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Role vs Roll samples

With the rest of my life refusing to be put on hold, its hard to keep focused. Tonight I had to fight to work on Role vs. Roll. I figured that to keep motivated I should at least post something. So here are a few samples of what we have done so far.

Action Hero

Try a crazy stunt that might result in physical damage even if you succeed, such as jumping from one car to the next in the middle of a car chase.

How exciting can you make the action?


The more you are able to act out and describe the stunt in detail, the better.

Role Vs Roll Card "Action Hero"

Be the Best During “Down time”….

Train to become better at what you do. This could be (but not limited to):

reading a techie manual, target practice, a jam session, sword katas, working out, meditation, or memorising the Book of Shadows

Bonus: Convince another character to join you

Role Vs Roll Card "Be the Best"

Best Served Cold Either swear to take revenge or actually take revenge on another Character or NPC

you are not allowed to do both in the same session

there must be a good reason for your vengeance.

David and Goliath Bonus: If your vengeance is righteous and the target of the revenge is more powerful than you

Role Vs Roll Card "Best Served Cold"

Campfire Singing songs, roasting marshmallows, throwing back a brew, shooting the breeze.

What does your character talk about when relaxed, safe and with friends?


The latest gossip at the tavern?

The most recent Space Battle Gladiator champion?

The conversation must have nothing to do with the mission.

Campfire Card Role Vs Roll

Catch Phrase

Every hero/super-villain needs a catch phrase.

This is your time to create one ….

This card is invalid if you already have one.


Role Vs Roll Card "Catch Phrase"

Combat Expert

Everyone shoots, swings or casts "magic missile".

Don't be a stereotype!

Be a storyteller - describe your attack, are you sweating? Sneaking? Seducing? Highlight your skills - or your desperation due to your lack of any

Bonus: The more you are able to act out the smell, taste and feel of the scenario, the better. Using the names (even made up ones) of martial arts or military terms may help you earn a bonus

Roll vs Role "Combat Expert"

Domestic Life

During "down time":

Describe what your character does during their daily routine.

Think detective stories where they are describing their morning coffee and being broke.

Where do you live when not on adventures?

Do you have house pets?

Where do you hide your spare gun?

Do you have a cookie jar? Roommates?

Role Vs Roll Cards for better Role-Playing

So there you have it .. a few samples for you and hopefully enough to keep me focused.

If all goes well we will have enough cards to have a print and play sample .

UPDATE!! Print and play now available:

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