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Better Descriptions to enhance roleplaying for both Game Masters and Players

It's Saturday night. Eight players hover over their character sheets waiting for their next move. Half-eaten pizza rapidity cools in the corner while an evil grin begins to form on the game master’s face. "Roll initiative” sounds from the game master.

Descriptions are key to roleplaying. However how many times have you only said “I roll ________ vs ________?” Boring!!!!

Without getting long winded and taking up other players time, you can get much better at your descriptions and add excitement into the game. The idea is to make the description short, fast and colouful. I recommend you make up a few beforehand and write them down.

Here are a few examples.

Instead of saying, “I swing” (my sword), say:

  • In a rapid series of precise strikes, I attack with my short sword.

  • I heroically plunge my blade into my foe’s kidney

  • I attempt to sever the head from my opponent by performing a strike my eloved sword master taught me

  • I put my entire weight behind my swing, forcing my opponent back every time they block

  • My grandfathers Katana slices through the air whispering his name as a prayer of vengeance

  • Knowing I can't possibly win, I strike and flail about with total abandon in hopes my team can escape.

Instead of saying, “I shoot” (my gun), say:

  • I pop up from my cover just long enough to fire a round then dive back to relative safety.

  • I slowly exhale taking even closer aim…..I squeeze the trigger gently and allow the gun to decide the fate of my target

  • Screaming in Rage, I run into the building with my eyes shut and empty my clip while arcing my un the way a fire-fighter arcs their hose

  • I fire a series of three round bursts in rhythm to (and while singing) “Row, Row, Row your boat….”

  • I leap for cover at the same time firing both pistols and pray I get lucky

  • I allow my training to take over. Secure the clip. Verify the safety is off. Aim for centre mass. FIRE!!!!

  • ROARRRRRR!!!!!!

For casting spells:

  • I gather mana into its complex from, then I simultaneously visualise a roaring flame and a thunderbolt - and release explosive fire at my target.

  • I envision all my symbols of power locked within chains and enveloping my target like a funnel cloud. Using my mind as the conduit, I unlock the chains.

  • I feel the evil that resides in my spell bludgeoning my will like a sledgehammer within my skull. I get out of its way - allowing it to devour Torvalds soul.

  • My friend Raven whispers the spell of Vision in my ear. I know this song. I begin to hum the counterpoint harmony - and render myself invisible.

For sneaking:

  • I take a moment to examine my soundings looking for a path with the least debris and possibility of noise.

  • I match the steps of my prey so their footsteps mask my own

  • I move quickly between the shadows.

  • I keep to the walls, timing my movement with the sounds of the city around me, so even I can’t hear my footsteps.

  • I am one with the fallen snow - I will leave no tracks

For Driving /Piloting:

  • I downshift into 3rd, pull the e-brake up a quarter of the way and pull the steering column hard right, release the brake, hit the gas and go back hard left - to swerve around and avoid the collision

  • I am a leaf on the wind ...... (OK maybe that one is not a good idea .... )

So those are just a few ideas.

I have been working on making my descriptions different every time - or at least unique to my character. One of the things I am trying is using a thesaurus to mix things up a bit. So far it’s been very helpful.

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