Playing the Action Hero Card for Role Vs Roll
Role playing games are supposed to be exciting. So why am I always playing it safe when it comes to action? I think because of its a...

Playing the "Bad Habit" card
The Bad habit card for Role Vs Roll Basically, this is a card is to show the characters less savory side. One of the things that make...

Printing out Role Vs Roll cards
We got the approval for Role Vs Roll print and play to be sold on DrivethroughRPG.com. So if you feel you need a deck today for tonights...
How to keep the Gamemaster from asking you to roll dice.
Your dice want to kill you Role play instead. One of the things that I have noticed as a player is that most of the time is that my Dice...
How to Keep shy players form falling between the cracks in a RPG
How to get a shy player to participate in your RolePlaying Game. It sometimes seems odd to me why geeks love Role playing so much as it...
Shadowrun GameMaster Tips
So have have been running Shadowrun ever since 1989.. Yes I’m an old dog. Not that I’m an expert or anything but I have made more...

Extended Character Sheet handouts
Generic extended character sheets for RPGs. Sometimes the ones that come with the game are not enough.

Fun Spellbook handout for your mage
As a GM I love using handouts .. I also hate having to stop the game because the party mage wants to look up a spell. Spell cards are fun...
Top 4 Things Players are tired of
So this week I got some help from a few of my friends from twitter who volunteered 60 seconds of their time to add to this interesting...

Top 5 Ways to be a better Role Player
Here's the top five ways to better role-player. In a short video I I'm going to point out five ways to be a better role player even A new...
As a Gamer I am Tired of
Folks I'm trying a new feature where I can actually using dictation to write my blog versus actually having to type. I have a problem...

Steampunk and Motivation to paint
So this last week has been bit of a struggle to be motivated but somehow I have been able to get my ass to sit in the chair and edit some...