Playing the Action Hero Card for Role Vs Roll
Role playing games are supposed to be exciting. So why am I always playing it safe when it comes to action? I think because of its a...

Printing out Role Vs Roll cards
We got the approval for Role Vs Roll print and play to be sold on DrivethroughRPG.com. So if you feel you need a deck today for tonights...
Using Role Vs Roll in your Existing Game
Using Role Vs Roll cards in your existing role-playing campaign. So you got a new deck of Role VS Roll and let me start off by saying...
10 things to do while waiting for me to publish Role Vs Roll
So here I am on a thursday night with nothing to do. Most of the time Thursday nights is the night where work on Role Vs Roll at the pub...

Steampunk and Motivation to paint
So this last week has been bit of a struggle to be motivated but somehow I have been able to get my ass to sit in the chair and edit some...

The Domestic Life Card for Role Vs Roll
The Domestic life card for Role Vs Roll. I ended up being the model for the card. I used GIMP photo editing to make the image look more...

How to be a scary GM
Sometimes its about not showing the monster.. one of the best tips I have is to watch a movie and take notes on how the director scared...

New Artwork For Role Vs Roll
So in the early stages of Role vs Roll the artwork was not as important as the text.. and the Kickstarter suffered for it. Being that I...

Splitting the Party is is a Good thing ? Or Doom
The best part of these videos are the Comments .. this one by from facebook John Scheibeler Also, Kevin, there's a fallacy in your...

Role VS Roll GM Advice now On Youtube
I was not expecting Role Vs roll to turn in to my own Youtube show.. but it has. The main focus of the Channel is going to be for Role...
Real Feedback from Role vs Roll Play testing
So I'm really big on feedback. It's more important then you would think.. its the key to making an amazing game. In this case "Howl...
Can't we just launch this already?
Ugg!!! So Role Vs Roll is still coming. The Kickstarter page is mostly done. The Video for the project is also almost done. BUT!! we are...