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Role Vs Roll  Offical Rules 


Role VS roll Back for Kickstarter

This deck is a tool developed to assist players in practicing their ROLE-playing ability. It can assist players to create a depth of character, improve both Player and Game Master experiences and help bond a group of new or unfamiliar players. The deck is designed as a non-disruptive in-game device that also provides the GM with a system of rewards to incentivise interactive role-playing, generating a better game story for all involved. Download the Free Sample here 


  1. The basic deck contains 31 cards for games of up to 10 players

  2. At the beginning of every session give each player 3 cards, instructing them to read their own cards but keep them hidden from the other players.

  3. The player will choose to keep the card they think works best with their character, and then give the remaining cards back to the GM (face down).

  4. The GM is also kept unaware of what card the player chose and will NOT review the returned cards to deduce which cards are in play.

  5. Variation suggestions –

  1. For a very “young” or new group, the GM might want to preselect 3 cards for each Player, that all work well with the character and have them pre-dealt (face down) at each Player’s seat

  2. For a veteran, out of control bunch of murder hobos – same thing but this time the GM should be sure the preselected cards are humorous, challenging or outright contrary to the Characters


  1. The cards all contain goals or actions the player should attempt to work into the session as an ongoing theme.  

  2. The player must attempt to do this in a way that does not disclose it came from the cards and without the other players guessing what card they picked.

  3. The player should make inconspicuous notes about times when they think they acted in concert with the card.


  1. Players take turns trying to guess what card the other players had.  

    1. This might be a challenge at first - because players will not have a detailed knowledge of the cards (though wizbang cool free downloads are available on the Jack Monkey Games website - like a full list of all cards that will expand as new modules are produced).

  1. The holder of the card discloses what the actual card is, and provides a narrative summary of the actions they took to fulfil the card.

  2. The GM awards point based on:

    1. How well they seamlessly integrated the actions into their character so that the other players could not guess what their card was.

    2. How effective their actions were in fulfilling the card’s requirements.


Recommended award Levels
  1. Level one:  Player is obviously trying to play something out and is somewhat out of character. Players who need help and start to discuss this with other players or GM automatically win this level regardless if they try to add into the story line or not – this is the “new gamer” training wheel level.

  2. Level Two: It’s not totally obvious they were acting out the goal, or their actions are a bit out of sync with the card but some (though not all) of the players are able to guess and the GM can be convinced that the actions were at least related to the card.

  3. Level Three: The Player is seamlessly able to add the goal of their card into their character without the other players knowing, but might not have met all of the card’s requirements.

  4. Level Four:  Player meets or exceeds all the card’s requirements without anyone being the wiser  (extremely rare)

    1. Bonus:  The GM should review each player’s cards because some cards contain intrinsic bonuses.

    2. What is awarded: - that is entirely up to the GM and dependent on the game system, but should be made clear to the players before the cards are dealt.  Some examples:

      1. Shadowrun - suggest 1 karma point per level;

      2. D & D – experience points gaged on player levels;

      3. Cthulu – Sanity points;

      4. D6 – character points;

      5. Bonuses should be different, for instance-

        1. fate points in D6, or

        2. edge in Shadowrun. 










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