JackMonkey Games

About Kevin
Kevin C Mason
An artist with a techie day job, I have been a geek for over 30 years. I can remember back when being a geek was not cool. When liking Star Wars and Star Trek was not something to brag about in the school yard.
I started Role playing when I was 10. I had just cut open my leg by falling out of a tree and had nothing to do during the summer weeks (I was not allowed ouside with my stictches). My friend brought over a copy of D&D. My Life was changed forever .
Game Systems I love
D6 (ask me about the up and coming Homeworlds Setting)
Eclipse Phase
Currnet obessesion is Numenera and The Strange by Monty Cook Games .. WOW is it a good system.
About Imp
Yes its a nickname. But it is well earned. It is short for "Impolite" and on occassion also for "Imperious". I am always looking for a bit of Evil to join me on a dungeon crawl or Corp bash.
D&D - First EVER edition was what the boys on the street brought home one day. And it was what we did when the weather got cold or rainy. We hung out in the grage, door open for daylight and rolled dice. Sometimes we also pulled out the hard drives from the wall of test components lining the garage and rewired them to light up differently - play Star Trek - "Cap'n the Dilithium Crystals are almost spent" ..... but not too often. Had to be between test cycle for their Dad .....
Ah silicon valley in the late 1970's.
My Geek card is older than you or ers ...neener neener neener