Splitting the Party is is a Good thing ? Or Doom
The best part of these videos are the Comments .. this one by from facebook John Scheibeler Also, Kevin, there's a fallacy in your...

How to give Players Common knowledge to a planet they will never visit.
Sometimes the players just don't know that "Everyone knows elves are vegetarian" common knowledge handouts help make the players feel...

Role vs Roll samples
With the rest of my life refusing to be put on hold, its hard to keep focused. Tonight I had to fight to work on Role vs. Roll. I...

Role Vs Roll Rules posted for all to see
We have made the Role vs Roll rules open to the public. Feel free to take a look and tell us what you think. PDF version of the rules...
All work an no Role-play makes Kevin a dull boy
So you can't work on your RPG projects all the time. The last week I have been Video editing. Editing text and going nuts trying to get...

RPG podcast producers Here have a segment for free
audio tips for RPGs. These are a short audio tip under 90 seconds long. They are free to user on your RPG podcast. All I ask is that you...

Do you want Murderhobos?
#GMTips #RPG #Meme #RPGMEME #ArcherRPGMeme

How to add Role Vs Roll into your RPG
The Idea behind Role Vs Roll is to encourage new and experienced players into developing their characters without taking time away from...