Just a simple page with all kinds of links and tools that I have collected over time. None of the links are paid ads. They are here because the product or the people involved with the product are freaking awesome.
If you have a link that involves being a Gamemaster , player or even board games. Send me and email and If I like it I will post it.
Role playing
Tools and Links
Game master Blogs
Gnome Stew
www.gnomestew.com/ General RPG Blog that does not cater to any one kind of system. Great for advanced and novice game masters
The Angry GM
I found this guy on twitter. I love his advice. Even on twitter his posts have the balance of attitude and information. theangrygm.com
6d6 RPG
is a tabletop RPG and publisher of roleplaying games, adventures and settings. We are based in Nottingham, UK but our writers and artist are all over the world. On our website you can find a store for all the 6d6 games and links to our open access wiki. Our blog contains a mix of RPG game theory, GM advice, character concepts and adventure seeds. http://6d6rpg.com/
Yes its a plug for my own blog its my website and I can do what I want. Mostly the blog is about being a better player or game master. Now and then I will post YouTube videos or even a n actual play podcast

Links to RPG accessories
Mythic Makings
I love this site .. They have everything a Gamemaster or player could ever want in fact if any of my friends are looking for a gift for birthday or Xmas. You could blindly pick anything from this site and I would love it .. Also accepting bribes from players who shop from this site.
Jackmonkey Games accessories (Our RPG Stuff)
Role VS Roll - An accessory/tool used to help players Role play more .
Spell book Handout for your Mage players -
Why have to look up spells in the core book while the GM is using it. add some immersion into the game with this free PDF download. Just print out the pages. throw them back into the printer after the ink is dry. Copy and paste your spells and print again. POW you have a cool looking spellbook and you will not piss off your Dungeon Master by looking up Magic Missile AGAIN.

Links To RPG Podcast and Youtube
JAckMonkey Games on Youtube
Fist full of Dice Podcast
http://www.afistfulofdice.com/ I just subscribed to this one and will update this page in a few days with what I think. It's a D&D focused page.
this is a long running Podcast filled with advice. . Come for the advice stay for the running jokes. They now have a live video cast with face mics . This is great for the advanced GM as well as those who are just starting out. They love GURPS , Vampire and gaming conventions.
This is more of of a collection of shows that are all stuffed with gaming goodness! This collection of podcast is the number one reason why I have find new space on my phone. There is so much good content for gamer of any level. WHY ARE YOU NOT LISTENING TO THEM RIGHT NOW !!!!
Gamemastering Books
http://www.sjgames.com/robinslaws/ Steve Jackson Games has been a great source of information about Game mastering from the start.
Where to find other gamers (No you are not the only one)
A great site to find other games.
Game Systems I love
Open D6
https://ogc.rpglibrary.org/index.php?title=OpenD6 . This is from the old Star Wars system from West End games . Yes you can download the pdf for free.
I have been Running the Shadowrun since the 10th grade. I waited for first ed to come out for 6 months and must have annoyed the hell out of the comic book shop keeper.
This is my current obsession .. I really love the books and the system. When I open a RPG store in Sydney I'm going to make sure I stock my shelves with anything Monty Cook. I have also been following the owners of Monte Cook Games and I have to say they are great human beings as well. Yet another reason to support them in anyway possible
Fate Core
I just downloaded the PDF version of the FATE Core Rules and I ahve to say that I like it. Then again you many already have guessed that because I tend to go for systems with heavy character development .
Fiction for Inspiration
It’s 1986 and Andy Crowley is as much metalhead and Dungeon Master as he is sorcerer. Humble beginnings for one who – in thirty years – will rule all reality. "Andy Crowley and the Grace of the Glass Grimoire" by Dave McLaughlin is a rock 'n' roll epic pulp fantasy novel written in the format of a weekly serial.
Steam Rollers Actual Play Podcast
WOW you are noting that the font on the tiles is much larger than the rest of the titles . This was not a mistake. If you like steampunk you are going to love this podcast. The story craftier works his magic setting the world and pulling together several seemingly unrelated plot lines together (I have GM nightmares for having to do that so KUDOS). I like this PODCAST soo much I have themed a Role VS Roll card after this podcast.
If you are going to listen to this podcast start from the beginning its worth every kilobyte of the download.