Can't we just launch this already?
Ugg!!! So Role Vs Roll is still coming. The Kickstarter page is mostly done. The Video for the project is also almost done. BUT!! we are...
More Play Testers & Feedback
This is another one of my "Kevin Can't Spell Posts" So sorry for my crimes vs grammar . We need more Play Testers! We want to make Role...
Catch Phrase: "I have concerns"
CARD: Catch Phrase Game: Homeworlds (D6 homebrew forthcoming) Character: Pandora Race: G'Dar (androgynous long lived telepaths that...

Look what I can do .....
So I don't think of myself as an artist. I'm an F'ing LAWYER for Cthulhu sake - how completely boring and stifled is THAT! I do a...

Role vs Roll samples
With the rest of my life refusing to be put on hold, its hard to keep focused. Tonight I had to fight to work on Role vs. Roll. I...

Queen of Geekdom - not just a "good wife"
So a few folks at my non-geek culture day job are aware that I am "supporting" my husband's geeky Kickstarter idea. And they tell me how...
Kickstarter Training Wheels - Pt 1
I have this crazy notion I should start designing games. Or rather, I should take the games that are bouncing around inside my head and...