Look what I can do .....
So I don't think of myself as an artist. I'm an F'ing LAWYER for Cthulhu sake - how completely boring and stifled is THAT! I do a...

Role vs Roll samples
With the rest of my life refusing to be put on hold, its hard to keep focused. Tonight I had to fight to work on Role vs. Roll. I...

Role Vs Roll Rules posted for all to see
We have made the Role vs Roll rules open to the public. Feel free to take a look and tell us what you think. PDF version of the rules...

Role vs Roll Kickstarter video in the works
I have been working on the video for the Kickstarter and I have to say that all the years of working at Apple teaching software has been...
Kickstarter Training Wheels - Pt 1
I have this crazy notion I should start designing games. Or rather, I should take the games that are bouncing around inside my head and...

Editing Role Vs Roll
So I'm not going to edit this post. Why because it's actully going to help with the topic so if you find any spelling or grammar errors...