Printing out Role Vs Roll cards
We got the approval for Role Vs Roll print and play to be sold on So if you feel you need a deck today for tonights Role playing session download it now. Besides its much cheaper than the professionally produced deck.
We did a test of the print and play and laminated them to see the quality and we have admit is really good for a print and play. Though we are glad The Gamescrafter is making the physical decks because our home printer is not up to the task for the quality.
So far I am very happy with the results and hoping that we are going to help a lot of new gamers role play better.
Printing Tips
Print on photo paper
Print size 95% to save on ink and 8.5.X11 size paper fits better
We printed the backs on standard paper and "Draft quality" to conserve ink
Using Role Vs Roll in your games.