Role vs Roll
Role vs Roll
How to Play

This deck helps the GM provide a better game experience for everyone by providing players with a character and story development tool while giving the GM a bonus framework that emphasizes the story, not the stats.
Works with any RPG System (even homebrews)
Easy one-minute rules explanation
Designed to create more fun & backstory into each character
Encourages better descriptions and character interactions
Character development starts the moment player draws a card
Keeps the game interactive and unpredictable even for the GM
It is ALL about the STORY
Interactive character and plot development tool for players
40 Role vs. Roll cards
2 Blank cards for your own design

Print and play
We have now completed a 12 card plus instruction Print-n-Play version for you to test out. Easy to print PDF - no frills to wast your ink. Some dissassembly required.
If you would like to be on a list for expanded Print & Play deck testing please Contact us to determine your elligiblity for our Beta Test group
TRy it For Free

How to Play

All Deck versions Contain
40 Role vs. Roll cards
2 Blank cards for your own design