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How to use bad habits in with your character.

I know I know we just spent the first few months of the New Year trying to get rid of some bad habits. Picking up a few bad habits happens to everyone, Except your character in D&D. What ? Your character is perfect. That is perhaps why nobody remembers them beyond their equipment list.

A well rounded character will have some bad habits. Like Wolverine smokes, drinks and has problems getting along with others. Though Logan is a hero most of us actually would not invite him to game night because he is a bit of an ass. but that is what makes the character so loveable when it comes to fiction.

Think of ways you can give your character a bad habit something that does not cross into an addition but might get them and the party into some minor trouble. Say cursing at a fancy dinner party in front of the King who is known for his polite tongue. Or perhaps forgetting that there is no smoking on air planes.

The Youtube video above has a few tips on playing a character with some bad habits. Its a good idea to have your game master watch as well.

You can get more information about Role Vs Roll cards Here. These are gamemaster tools used to help players roleplay vs just rolling dice.

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