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Shadowrun GameMaster Tips

So have have been running Shadowrun ever since 1989.. Yes I’m an old dog. Not that I’m an expert or anything but I have made more mistakes then you. Here are a few things to consider when Running a Shadowrun campaign Keep them hungry One of the things that I have noted over time is that Shadowrun Players love to go shopping. and one of the meta themes of the game is consumerism. As a GM its very tempting to just give the players everything they want such as , Panther assault cannon and a Weapon focus that can split panzer that is protected by a physical barrier spell in half. The problem with this is it becomes harder and harder to throw stuff at the players that will be a challenge. Limit the stuff they can get and slowly reward them for good role playing. Slowly upgrade them. it makes it so they appreciate it more. Start off with an Uzi III before upgrading them to the HK227-S. It makes that new shinny SMG seem much cooler if they have earned it.

Be clear of the power level you want to run I have run street level campaigns where one of the characters became the leader of the gang because they had a Remington room sweeper. Others laser weapons were standard issue. Both are very valid forms of play. it only becomes a problem when you have a street level character standing next to a mage who can summon The great Ghost Dance by herself. It can really ruin the fun for the player who is saving all their Newyen for that upgrade of their colt america pistol. You can always go up … but never down When starting a campaign its always good to realise that starting off low and building up is good. Going the other way around will result in unhappy players and the game fading a way. So when you pick your power level stay there for a while. then slowly rase the power as things progress naturally. Don’t forget lifestyle costs. I hit the players with lifestyle costs right before every new mission. This seems to help keep them wanting to take bigger and more difficult runs.

Playing for medical costs Yes healing is great when you have a bear shaman as a buddy. However there are a few things that ha healing spell can’t fix. Make sure that you have an idea of what those costs will be.

Set the mood One of the the things that get me is that for some reason my Games always turns into a comedy festival with guns and spells. This is not exactly bad but its difficult to set the mood of dread. I have added a few things into the mix to help with the mood. Now what ever mood you want to set is fine . I personally like the dark future crime feel. Betrayal I have at least one betrayal every other session. This could be Mr Johnson or an NPC they have known for some time. Most of the time its “Just buisness” others its personal. This helps the players think in a mindset that is more like an underworld. It’s not safe Shadowrun can be a lethal game. To add to the feel of paranoia take away some of their safety nets while they are away. Indirect attacks can add to this feeling without forcing the players hand.

  • Have a gang war break out in their favorite bar and have their contact the waiter in the hospital (or worse)

  • Kill a contact or two… Nothing makes a Street Samurai more upset then to find out their favorite cyber street doc has been killed.

  • Have the players show up to their home to find that Lone Star has raided their safe house (or even the place next door) have the player guess what evidence was discovered.

  • Wound the characters . Nothing makes your Decker appreciate the troll Street Samurai more then having her stand in front of the goon with the room sweeper after being wounded.

Music is good

I'm always working on my Shadowrun music playlist. I softy play the music in the background. it can really set the mood.

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