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Fun Spellbook handout for your mage

As a GM I love using handouts .. I also hate having to stop the game because the party mage wants to look up a spell. Spell cards are fun and everything but they are only available for some games. So the other day I was thinking how fun it would be to have a mage or wizard character with a decent looking spell book. Then I started to think about the cost of such a thing. A PDF handout seems to be just the thing.

Well this handout is for you.

Its a simple PDF you can print out to make a spell-book. All you have to do is print this out. Copy and paste the spells descriptions on to a document.. then print them out on the paper and you have a really cool looking spell book. I do recommend not adding the back cover as you can add pages as the character advances.

Oh and its free. I'm not going to charge for it. Feel free to make as many copies as you want.

If you make this book I would love to see what you do with it... send me photos and I will be more then happy to share them with the world.

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