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Top 4 Things Players are tired of

So this week I got some help from a few of my friends from twitter who volunteered 60 seconds of their time to add to this interesting topic. All who are very passionate about gaming.

I put out a question on twitter about two weeks a go asking what were the things that players were tired of. I compiled the most suggested Items and then put them on a poll.

Here were the results

  • #1 Misogyny

  • #2 Min/Maxers

  • #3 Murderhobos

  • #4 Rules Lawyers

I was very happy to get short video clips from KillerRoo , Queen_shewolf and Howlphilnish their contribution was key to this video.

#4 Rules lawyers

I actually expected to be very high on the list so I was surprised that it was on the bottom. This could be because I have the perspective of someone who is almost always the game master. The problem with rules lawyers is that they often take up all the time in a discussion that can be uncomfortable for the GM as well as other players. Depending on the Lawyer this can be a minor annoyance to having someone being ejected from the party. Either way good communication is often the cure for this RPG Tableside problem maker.

#3 Murderhobos.

Now truth be told this is not a problem exactly if all the players are in agreement. but it takes only one in the party to ruin all the fun for the other players.

#2 Min/maxer

Another situation where its not exactly a problem but the fact that most players who subscribe to this activity do not realise the problem they cause for other players.

#1 Misogyny

I can have entire series on this issue. Its a major problem not just in the gaming world but in politics and around the dinner table. I really don’t understand why this is still a problem in the first place as I hoped that as a species we have evolved beyond this. But it is a problem. Entire websites are dedicated to this problem. I'm not going to address this in text format because you may have noticed that it's not really my strong point. But feel free to message me and I'm more then willing to talk to you about this.

I am inviting you to send me your 60 Second videos on how you think we can fix these issues to and I will post them on the show.

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