Extended Character Sheet handouts
Sometimes the character sheets that the system gives us is not enough. I personally remember and argument where one of the Shadowrun players had said they have a hold out pistol in their boot ,, but that was 5 sessions ago. Though the player did not mention it in the current session it became a debate. I ended up taking the players word and allowed it to happen.

These character sheets are not meant to completely take over existing character sheets but to augment them. These are under creative commons license so feel free copy and share them with everyone.
Drawing Diagram. Not only can you draw the clothing on your character (for those who can't draw) you can also draw lines to from the Holdout pistol marked "A" to the characters boot for the next time the GM says "I don't remember you saying you have a holdout in your boot"
Character sheet features
Male and Female versions
Ammo counters
Weapon and Gear location diagram
Character outline for drawing clothing
XP and Money Boxes
Relationships and contacts box
Perfect for modern games such as Shadowrun , Star Wars, Westerns ,D20 Modern & Homeworlds (I'm sure a D&D Archer would not mind)
Works with any RPG System