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Queen of Geekdom - not just a "good wife"

So a few folks at my non-geek culture day job are aware that I am "supporting" my husband's geeky Kickstarter idea. And they tell me how tolerant I am. How sweet that I assist his little projects ... Yak yak gag gag.

It is important to note that I work in a very conservative legal product industry primarily with women - highly educated but also very clearly not constitutionally inclined to practice law in firms. I could go off for hours about internalised misogyny and artistic levels of passive aggressive behaviours - but I won't. Its not that kind of blog. I will say that I am pretty sure a high percentage of these women were cheerleaders in high school.

I find myself for various economic and industry realities tied to this particular desk for the interim. And I make the best of it. But really - if I got on with the smart, pretty cheerleader types - I'd never have been a Geek in the first place.

And make NO MISTAKE. I'm not in this gig because I'm a tolerant supportive wife (which BTW - I am). I'm married to this particular man because we both speak Geek. From the start. Before it was the "in" thing.

Now I'm clever and have standards, so I chose a younger mate (better chance of him keeping up with me). That means I was a Geek before he was. How much of a Geek you ask? How much "before"?

Does the term THACO mean anything to you? Cause I was rolling a D20 when it could only be obtained in the blister pack attached to the First Edition Player's Manual. Thats right, I said it - THACO. I cast magic missiles before it was a stereotype or meme. I own three longbows, fletch my own arrows, can drop a knight in armour at 30 paces without dice (you know - in the "real" world).

Rowany 2012

My favorite current characters are a male Shadowrun Troll and a G'Dar navigator (homegrown and a future project) I have been a Malkavian Vampire, a Victorian Journalist from Miskatonic University, a Pocket Monster trainer with a florescent pink poodle that had a sonic yap area affect (I loved that dog) and a Charismatic Televangelist having a faith crisis when discussing theology with a devout Endinos (I miss Torg - but I have heard resurrection rumors...)

So don't pity this "long suffering wife", don't turn your back on my thief/assassin after shortchanging her pay and don't come to my game table with any gender or age based misconceptions about Geekdom.

Oh - and welcome to JackMonkey Games!

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