New Artwork For Role Vs Roll
So in the early stages of Role vs Roll the artwork was not as important as the text.. and the Kickstarter suffered for it. Being that I am an artist I decided to take the matter into my own hands.
Take a look at the before and after images.

The brown Image is the early attempt at the card ... where the one with the coffee mug is the more refined version of the card.
Not all the images are making the cut. So here are a few of the images that have made the cards. Here are a few examples of the artwork that failed to make the grade.

This was a failed attempt at the "I'm Hungry" card. Though I think that the idea of a squirrel always being hungry. Even with the dragon wings it just does not fit the theme of the card.

The Dapper Rattlesnake was another failed attempt. Though the image looks simple it's actually three different snake images all combined to make one image. The derringer hold out pistol and the top hat were a secondary thoughts in order to make the images standout a little more. And with all that I'm still not happy with the image enough to put it on a card ...

Now every snake needs a monocle don't you think? You laugh now but I have seen worse character concepts in a few RPG campaigns I have run.
If you want to see the other cards take a look at The Role Vs Roll cards
By the way the snake and the Squirrel Images are under creative commons and you are more then welcome to use the images as long as you make a link back to