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10 things to do while waiting for me to publish Role Vs Roll

So here I am on a thursday night with nothing to do. Most of the time Thursday nights is the night where work on Role Vs Roll at the pub while Imp is at her choir practice. For the most part I'm able to at least one image done. but tonight its different why? Because I have nothing to do. I'm done with my part of the project. I have finished all the artwork and the cards are ready to go as soon as someone else who can spell is able to finish the editing. (That would be Imp)

So tonight as soon as I'm done with this I'm going to do some speed painting or maybe maybe play a pointless video game for no reason but to get this whole election out of my head.

So while you are waiting for me to publish Role Vs Roll here is a list of things you can do to pass the time.

#10 Say something nice to someone random for no reason what so ever

#9 Recreate your favorite character in a different game system (I recommend Cypher System)

#8 Add another chapter to your NPC's Backstory

#7 Invite new people to your next game

#6 Think of a way to improve your game master style. like watching critical role

#5 Run a quick one shot game for your sister (You know she has been secretly wanting to play for years)

#4 Download the free version of Role VS Roll and test it out on your game group

#3 Learn a new game system all together.

#2 Go back to number 10

#1 Play a boardgame

By the time you are done with all of those we should have all the cards edited and a link to the website ready to go.

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