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Escape Sydney to finish Role vs Roll Pt 1 (The Plan)

The problem with trying to create a Kickstarter when you have a day job is that when you get home you are already tired. Then the dog needs a bath, the teen asks for money and dinner followed by a mountain of laundry that is only slightly taller then the pile of bills. Some how you need to find enough energy to be creative. And three day weekends usually end up being an endless death my to-do list cycle.

So Imp came up with a plan so clever you could slap a tail on it an call it a weasel.

The Plan :

1. Go on and book a discount offer Bed and Breakfast somewhere the F@$^!!! out of Sydney.

~ This was harder than it seems - limited budget, 3 day weekend and it needed to both be remote and surrounded by nature as well as have free wifi.

Imp was up until 1 am on Google - but found the PERFECT spot. 3 hours down the south coast of Sydney, on the shore of West Burrill Lake in Ulladulla is an sweet, clean and hospitable spot called Lakeshore Lodge -

2. Grab the computer with the broken screen, the iPad and the crappy monitor; pack the camera bag; throw some jeans and tshirts into a bag (and hiking boots) and do a bit of grocery shopping at the foodie deli (mind you Imp did all this after working an early shift so she could be off at 3:30 - I just went to work)

3. Set up shop in someone else's house where we can work without too much distractions or at least the kind of distraction that relaxes vs starts the avalanche of "You should be doing ______"

Imp met me at the Golden Rickshaw restaurant near our house in Homebush. We ate just enough to decide we are never going to eat there again, paid our bill and happily grabbed higher quality food on the road at Hungry Jacks (that's Burger King for you Yanks).

The three hour drive was mostly spent telling stories about the impact Prince's music had on us as we were growing up.

Coming to the end of our drive was a one kilometre dirt and rock road to our destination. The suite we are staying in is just on the bank of a gorgeous lake.

Waking up this morning and heading out to the car I encountered Kangaroos just outside our suite door, so close that I had to think "Are these things dangerous?". To be fair that is also probably what the 'Roo was thinking.

That was BEFORE my coffee!!

A quick 30 min walk around after breakfast on the patio and I had a second chance to photograph the Kangaroo.

Here are a few shots from our morning walk.

Kangaroo Ulladulla

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