Can't we just launch this already?
Ugg!!! So Role Vs Roll is still coming. The Kickstarter page is mostly done. The Video for the project is also almost done. BUT!! we are...

Escape Sydney to finish Role vs Roll Pt 1 (The Plan)
The problem with trying to create a Kickstarter when you have a day job is that when you get home you are already tired. Then the dog...
Kickstarter Training Wheels Pt 2 - The Art
I am an artist, so the whole creative process comes easy to me. This would make someone think that designing a game would be easy… well...
Kickstarter Training Wheels - Pt 1
I have this crazy notion I should start designing games. Or rather, I should take the games that are bouncing around inside my head and...

Editing Role Vs Roll
So I'm not going to edit this post. Why because it's actully going to help with the topic so if you find any spelling or grammar errors...