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All work an no Role-play makes Kevin a dull boy

So you can't work on your RPG projects all the time. The last week I have been Video editing. Editing text and going nuts trying to get everything ready for this Kikcstarter. However the one that I have not been doing is actually Role Playing.

I looked back at the last few weeks and noted that are few times I have put in 12 hour days between my day job and working on Role Vs Roll . So yesterday I decided that there was nothing else I could do till Sunday (today is Thursday) so why not take time time off.

Best Free time is spent offline and with RPGs

So what does a geek who design RPG do when he is not working. Read PRGs and fiction.

For the longest time my favorite of all time RPG publishers was West End Games. Makers of Torg and Masterbook. (Better known for the D6 System and Star Wars RPG). What I loved about the game system was that it was designed by people who loved RPGs. Everything from the style of play to the creation of characters. I learned more about Role Playing just from the Torg books then any other source. However they are no longer (though the D6 system lives on)

Lately I have discovered Numenera & The Strange (The Strange is a bad name for an RPG ... fitting once you read the books but bad name if you ask me) and I instantly became a fan. There is something elegant with the system with its focus on Role playing and not Roll playing (Gee why would I think that is important). I ended up borrowing the main core book from a friend and had to return it today. I'm thinking I will have to get a set once I launch my Kickstarter as a personal reward

Reading Fiction on the Train


one of the best things to having a smart phone is that I always have something to read (or have something read to me) and what I was ready on my way home today was "Andy Crowley and the Grace of the Glass Grimoire"

I just started reading and so far I really like it.

I met the author on twitter when I was looking to swap links. I was thinking this was just going to be a marketing exercise but now I have the blog on my RSS Reader :)

So much for play .. I have laundry to do.

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