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RPG Blog Spotlight : the Wandering Alchemist

I am John Crowley, known to the internet as the Wandering Alchemist. Oftimes you can find me behind the GM's screen for various role-playing games, but sometimes I take the form of an eccentric wizard, druid, or technomage. Soon all be adding hard-nosed dwarf medjai. All of that has led me to what I spend a lot of my time doing now: sharing it with all of you!

The Note of a Wandering Alchemist blog started as a way to get my thoughts about RPGs out to the world. It was just an outlet, but has become so much more for me. Now I try to post regularly and have been doing so throughout 2016. As the blog nears its one year anniversary I have come to provide stories and suggestions, but my most popular articles have come in the form of re-skinning suggestions and work-throughs and the Resources for Every DM post that comes out every Thursday. In addition I also host the Untamed Dice podcast which is, essentially, a bunch of us playing RPGs. We have a regular Savage Worlds home-brew campaign that exists there, but we also do other games and one-shots too. This podcast comes out every week on Friday evening and episodes are about an hour long. A good place to start is probably Kobolds Ate My Baby or Brave New Worlds episode 1. The last thing I want to do is thank everyone who reads the blog or listens to the podcast. It has been great sharing with you and meeting people like Kevin. A big thank you to him for sharing my stuff on his page, and I hope to continue providing useful stuff and improving where we go!

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