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Starting a smaller Kickstarter to test the waters

I have this plan to start designing games. Kickstarter seems to be a good idea. The drawback is that I have never conducted a crowd funding campaign, Invoke (a card game almost ready to publish) is going to be a very interesting game, however, I really would like to start a smaller scale project first to test the crowd funding waters.

We decided to start off with a smaller game. Something easier to produce and therefore a smaller amount of money would be needed to launch the project. This project is called Role vs roll (or Roll vs Role) a simple mini card game that gets integrated into an existing RPG system. The rules are really simple you would think that 30-40 cards with simple rules would also be simple to design.....not if you want to do it right.

Like most of my ideas it came to me while I was on public transport in Sydney. Getting the idea is easy for me. Making it happen is a different story. I gave myself two months to design the game. Art work is easy because I am an artist. Painting, drawing and digital design comes easy to me. Finding most of the software needed to design the cards is also easy being that I run Linux and most of the software needed is open source. All the legal & copyright is also no problem being that I am married to a copyright lawyer. Finding the time to develop this game...well there is the problem.

So far I have spent 87 hours on this game working nights and weekends and very rarely on my hour lunch at work when I am at the park. I figure that I have about another 30 hours to go before it is ready. My biggest road block is my dyslexia. Writing anything takes forever to do it correctly and I can't see spelling errors. Even special software like the one I am using right now has its limitations and will not withstand the onslaught of the grammar natzis. My lovely wife does help when she can with the editing but it's still a long process.

Once we are done with the editing we will start play testing. Even though the idea behind Role vs. roll is extremely simple I would like to see feedback people have so I can make the game better.

Take a look at our progress of Role Vs Roll card game

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