How to Backstab for fun and profit.
One of the biggest problems with playing a thief in a role playing game is that you have to overcome decades of mistrust created by “That guy”. You know him that little shit who took all the loot form last game with a few roles of the dice and almost no role playing. Here is a guide to not be that guy
It’s better be a Jackmonkey then just a thief
#1 set expectations & communication
Backstabbing is cool and all but not when its vs the other players. You might want to consider that in the beginning of the campaign ask the other players if its ok if you take a few things from them “In character” this will at least let the other players know that you are honourable when your character is not. This also opens up the opportunity for them to tell you no.
When they tell you no its very important to listen WHY.. don’t be adversarial at this point but you might counter with a question “What is my characters motivation to not steal from you?” Good answers would be “Because our characters are friends” or “Because you are afraid of me” . The idea is to find a reason that adds to the story and is not comparing how big my stack of dice.
#2 Show depth
I can’t tell you how many times.. “That guy” rummaged through my pack with only a roll. The only motivation or description was to “Be a thief” . Have a good idea why you are a thief. Do you have a code of honour ? Why is it that your character would steal from a teammate who later might have the choice to save your ass from the jaws of a dragon or let you be a mid day snack? Let’s face it where a thief lacks in hit points they should excel in having friends.
#3 Fight that better nature.
So if you are going to be a thief. Show that you are having to fight off your better nature. As your hand reaches in to the paladin’s pack and grabs the gold for the orphanage describe your character having to wrestle with the choice.. Perhaps put the money back with a few extra coins. or later on return it to the Paladin saying “I changed my mind”.
#4 Discribe your actions
Get long winded with this. its better to say “I creep up behind the ork like a jungle cat. I pause just long enough to examine the holes in his armour. The Thrust my dagger deep into where I hope his lungs are at the same time holding my hand over his mouth to muffle the scream. Holding on for dear life I hope his death is quick..
This is so much better then “I Roll backstab”
#5 Find reasons to be honourable with the party right off. Even if they are begrudging. Such as. “You are my brothers best friend from school” Or you saved my ass back there .. I owe you my life or at least to not pick your pockets.
#6 Pretend to loose arguments
So just because you are not going to steal from the other players does not not mean your charcter does not want to. or that you have to role play it that way. you can always have yoru character get into arguments wether or not we should streal the orphanage money but make sure that your character has a very weak argument. This will show that your character is "a slimly low light bastard" without having to piss off any of the players.
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