Using Role Vs Roll in your Existing Game
Using Role Vs Roll cards in your existing role-playing campaign. So you got a new deck of Role VS Roll and let me start off by saying...
How to keep the Gamemaster from asking you to roll dice.
Your dice want to kill you Role play instead. One of the things that I have noticed as a player is that most of the time is that my Dice...

Extended Character Sheet handouts
Generic extended character sheets for RPGs. Sometimes the ones that come with the game are not enough.

Steampunk and Motivation to paint
So this last week has been bit of a struggle to be motivated but somehow I have been able to get my ass to sit in the chair and edit some...
How to use a GM screen correctly
There is no better tool to set the GM apart as the GM Screen. For some it can be a symbol of the GMs authority. Some people hate using the s