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Using Role Vs Roll BEFORE the game.

Using Role Vs Roll to create your character BEFORE the game. So for those of you using the Role Vs Roll cards already know how this set of cards can be used to help the players Roleplay in the middle of a game without taking time away from the GM. But what about before the game? After all wouldn't it be nice if the player already had a good idea of how their new fighter character would react to a goblin merchant trying to get the better end of a deal through the use of insults?

Revenge is best served cold Card for Role Vs Roll

Thinking about how to play a wizard ?

In the early days of Shadowrun, there was what was called "20 Questions" it was a fantastic list of questions that would help player flesh out the PC before the game. Using Role Vs Roll before the game works the same way. Each player draws three cards with knowing these cards will be discarded before the game. From there with the characters personality in mind, they try to think of ways that the character would act if they were to draw those cards during the adventure. The best part of this is that they are not required to actually act this out. The very act of thinking about the cards in character will help put the player in the mood to play.

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