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Produdive weekend! And ocasional playing of boardgames 

So this weekend was dedicated to getting as many Role vs Roll cards finished as possible at the same time trying to keep the quality. On Saturday i created 3 cards. "I have a plan" , "Debt" & "I am afraid "

The morning started by the usual cup of coffee driving Imp to the train station so she can sing in the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Chior. Ooh and dont forget more coffee!

From here I cleaned up my studio space to help clear my head of distractions. Picked up my waccom tablet and started a few doodles to wake my brain.

After about six to eight  hours of work ( Honestly I cant keep track of time) I was able to create three new artistic designs for the game.

After this my brain was mushy so only one thing to do .. drink wine and play board games with my roomate. As a big supporter of independent games I had to show Anna "The Captan is Dead" .. its a fantastic co-op game where you try to repair a ship while fending off evil aliens!! Anna proved to be a very good player. In fact though we lost the game it was only because that last card drawn was extra nasty

We still don't have Internet access so no youtube videos this week  :( 

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Peace will happen once we all learn to play together

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