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Escape Sydney to finish Role vs Roll Pt 2 (Print and Play)

The escape from Sydney to work on Role vs Roll was a brilliant Idea (see Part 1)

See the Cracked Screen ... this is why we need a Kickstarter

It seems like only last week, but it has been 2 months since we ran away to work on this project.

To recap ..... (Previously on Role vs Roll)

We started on the print and play right away. I made this mistake of posting this on twitter and of course we had an immediate response that added just a little sense of urgency. Apparently one of our fans was playing that weekend and really wanted the cards fast.

Well with that said ... Imp looked up from the keyboard and said "Challenge accepted!!!"

From my vantage point looking over to the keyboard on Imps lap, I can only be describe it as a bending of space and time. The keys on the broken computer seem to almost catch on fire as Imp did the Voodoo that she dose best! 30 min later and we posted the print and play version for Roll v Role. [This resulted in some great feedback so THANKS]

Lunch was a walk in the woods to the lake where we had to fight HUGE ants for our food. (Moments like this I wish we got XP for this kind of thing) There is something about sitting at the lake without phones that is so relaxing.

Times like this I miss the farm that I was raised on. The birds, a few lizards and Kangaroo... ok the Kangaroo was a bit incongruent with my childhood memories but still ... If you are going to work on a project this is the way to do it.

Then in what seemed like a blink of the eye ..... its about 10:00 PM and we had been working on this all day. It's was nice to have at least the Kickstarter levels finished....

Just as we said ... "OK I'm done for the day" Imp, my wonderful muse came up with a fantastic idea! So we started playing with some of the photos using GIMP and giving them a comic book feel.. We thought this would make a great art upgrade for the project - and so back to the Kickstarter levels for adjustment ....

And now for our next episode ....

Imp is a Lawyer as her "Real" job. One of her favourite sayings is "The Devil is in the details, as a Lawyer my job is to Dance with the Devil."

We wanted to end our weekend by submitting the final proposal to Kickstarter. But those dang details .... like a decent promo video, and a new vendor quote, and all the postage calculations, and the fluctuating currencies involved ....

(We are in Australia and are required to use Australian currency. US currency vendors, US majority of potential supporters, big ship and handle costs, bank fees....)

the mind boggles. Add pesky things like life, jobs, community commitments and, well here we are 2 months later.

Video mostly there.

Quotes in (finally) and numbers crunching.

Today I requested a chunk of leave to monitor the most critical week of the campaign (I have accrued over 190 hours so YAY Australian Labour laws) so there is no going back.

Hey Rocky watch me pull a Kickstarter outta my Hat! July 2016 - this time for sure .....

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Peace will happen once we all learn to play together


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