Kickstarter Projects I wish I could back

Not that they are expensive but that I am broke. Very broke. With my Kickstarter project coming out in April I figure that I might earn some good karma by showing off a few projects I want to back. Now important to know that I'm not getting paid in any shape or form. I just wish I had a few extra bucks to send their direction.
For those who know me well will smile knowing that there is no way I can resist this game as I am obsessed with Japanese history.
Escape from Teddy Bear Island
This looks like a lot of fun and I have to admit that the creator is one of my buddies from Twitter. He always has something clever to say. If the game is half as smart as his twitter feed it would be worth every penny.
Prism Dice
Yes yes yes I am creating a card game to keep you from rolling dice. But I love dice so much! Even though we all know dice are out to kill your character.
I think these are just cool