Taking time off to work on my card game "Invoke"
With the time it takes to design and paint a card game (I am also the illustrator for the game) .. The biggest problem has been just that... finding the time to actually work on the game. Looking at the amount of vacation time I have stored up I have decided to take one week off just to work on Invoke. So May 10th through the 19th I'm going to be working at least 6 hours a day on the card game. Hopefully at the point of having the print and play version of the game ready for distribution. If I am really lucky, I may even be able to order another prototype for play-testing
To maximize the amount of time that I have.. I'm going to work on ways to be more productive
No TV (sorry Game of thrones you are just going to have to wait )
No Reading Facebook posts (no more cute cats videos)
Removing all my games from my phone (no more Candy Crush)
Locking myself into the studio just to paint
The way that I look at it... the more time that I spend on the game the closer I am going to publishing the game.
I want to talk to you
However .. this is going to be a great time to connect to people who would like to ask questions or give feedback on Invoke or Kickstarter. Contact me